Thursday, June 23, 2011

Deciding point

A friend recently brought this up : What is life about? He had been quite demotivated in studying and couldnt see the point in pursuing his degree. We have come to a point where we make the all-important decision-where to pursue a degree? And this decision could change the course of our lives. One decision, one life. It is easy for people who have an ambition, to simply go for their dream occupations. For others, this part of their lives seem uncertain and insecure. It may seem unfair that this drastic decision would have an effect so extensive in a person's life, but looking from a different perspective, we ourselves have the power to decide, so why complain? I consider myself fortunate, for i have found my passion in healing. My strongest attribute is probably kindness. Although most of the people who know me would think me as an insensitive and happy-go-lucky person, everytime i care for an ill person, it feels as if i am morphed into someone else. Every non-sensical notion that i usually have wandering in my mind clears out, and all i want to is to offer care to alleviate the pain and suffering of the aforementioned person. OK, before this starts to sound like an essay for university admissions purpose, im going to leave that part. I cannot be grateful enough to be given the chance to do so in my dream university. For the first time, i can now discuss about my future, with little uncertainty and more anticipation.

To all of you out there, if you can follow your dreams, no matter how unpromising the outcome may seem now, i congratulate you and i wish you all the best.


  1. " Every non-sensical notion that i usually have wandering in my mind clears out, and all i want to is to offer care to alleviate the pain and suffering of the aforementioned person. " That's lovely! No wonder you chose medicine. Keep updating your blog! Keep us updated about your life at Hong Kong. That is, if you have the time to.

  2. Oh yes, and congrats again on getting your dream uni. U really deserved it. :-)
